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International Relation

International Relation

Constitutionally Nepalese foreign policy is guided by “the principles of the United Nations Charter, nonalignment, Panchasheel (five principles of peaceful coexistence), international law and the value of world peace.” The fundamental objective of the foreign policy is to enhance the dignity of Nepal in the international arena by maintaining the sovereignty, integrity and independence of the country. Before 1951, Nepal’s foreign relation was limited with four countries; namely – India, United Kingdom, USA and France. After membership of the United Nations in 1955, extension of diplomatic relations with various countries of the world increased considerably, with the diplomatic relationship to 118 countries around the world up to 2010. Membership and active participation on regional and international forums and organizations such as SAARC, BIMSTEC, WTO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and UN Agencies is making Nepalese foreign relation effective and broad.

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