
Zip Line Nepal, Dream it Dare it Do it

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 by bipeen under Zip Line

Tags: zip line, zip flyer, sarangkot, pokhara, adventure

After almost 2 years I was at Pokhara out of the routined life so as to attend a Team Building event. Before hand we had we some friends had talked to do Zip fly so as to make the travel more mesmerising. For me it was a chance to feel how does a fall does feel like because I have not done bungy or swing which can fully make you feel free fall.

On the Sunday morning June 10, 2012 I along other 5 colleagues drived to the outlet of HighGroundNepal Adventure to book our seat. After doing some paperworks and monetary calculation we along some staffs and few other flyers ascended to the top of the Sarangkot on a Mustang. On the way we were told that the vertical height fall is 600 mts where as the distance travelled on the line will be 1800 mts. Depending on the weight of the flyer the speed could reach upto 140kms per hour and descend period of about 2 minutes.Nearing the start point my heart started pounding more faster.

The sight of end point of the Zip line was not visible from the height of the launching point. Now we were queued to launch from the point in weight ascending order. After few security talks and the guidance from the launch co-ordinator one of the crew member sat in the canopy and he was prepared to launch tieing up to canopy, harness as a demo launch to us. With the countdown of 5 the gate opened launching him and there was a thrilled shout from us.

After 3 rounds of launches it was me and Abishesh dai to move ahead. The crew member introduced with us and reminded the secureity measures once more. His name was Jeevan which word was quiet inspiring at such moment. After few long breathe we both sat in canopies and all checked tied up the countdown of 5 started. 5..4..3..2..1 and the door opened, the open height was just thrilling and I started to accelerate downwards faster as I was heavier than my companion. In course of the fall the wind started twist me left right which added thrill a bit more. After vertical descend the zip line started to become horizontal signalling the landing point. With a slight jerk to the stopper the descend finished. It shall be mesmerising descend for me life long or till I dont bungy.

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